Monday 12 February 2018

The Perfect Lazy Sunday

Hey munchkins, 

I feel like life has been so busy lately that I honestly don't remember the last time I had a proper lazy Sunday. (Or a lazy any day for that matter...) You know the kind where you just veg out all day doing the absolute bare minimum except for the few things that make you happy? I thought it would be fun to put together a little post featuring a few of my favourite ways to pass the time on a Sunday! So here goes..

First things first: Have a lie in.
Now I'm one of those strange people that honestly can't sleep in past 10am - I think my brain just stresses cause I'm wasting valuable Netflix-binging time - so when I say have a lie in, I just sleep in till as long as I possibly can. Pathetic I know. I make sure not a single alarm is set, which is such a nice feeling, and then when I do eventually wake up, I listen out for anyone else in the house who I can convince to make me a cup of tea in bed..

They'll be there for you
Cause who said getting up actually meant getting OUT of bed? There's nothing better than staying snug under the covers and watching a little ok a lot of Netflix when you've got a day to yourself. You can never go wrong with Friends, (Thank you Netflix Gods for FINALLY deciding to allow us Brits to stream it!) but I've also been massively loving Crime shows and documentaries lately. I've just finished Mindhunter which I absolutely loved, and now I'm itching to find something equally addictive. Awaiting suggestions if anyone has any! 

This gorgeous phone case has to get a mention too, it was kindly gifted to me by the team at iDeal of Sweden and its from the gorgeous Dearing Kinga collaboration that just launched for Spring. It even matches Chandler's pink bunny costume...

Regain Those Electrolytes
So from time to time on a Sunday morning, I find myself feeling a little worse for wear. The reason for this is usually very simple - Gin. (Side note, I recently read up on why Gin has the nickname 'Mothers Ruin' and lord is it fascinating) After a crazy Saturday night out I usually want to do very little the following day, but I'll always make sure to stay hydrated to avoid the dreaded hangover. The Get More Vits range are my go-to drink for these kind of days cause they have so many yummy flavours available, that are full of natural spring water, and vitamins too! The Vitamin A drink, which is a really refreshing sparkling blackcurrant and blueberry flavour, is my favourite because it's essential for healthy skin and eyesight. (Cause who doesn't want 20-20 vision and glowing skin?!)

Also shout out to my Gryffindor quidditch captain PJ's. How cute?!

Cosy Up With a Good Read - And Your Cat!
As I mentioned, Crime or Horror is my go-to genre, whether I'm picking out a new book, film or TV show. Especially with books though, it's rare that something other than a crime novel grabs my attention for more than a few pages. I've only just started this one by Simon Lelic, so I can't say if I like it however it sounds like it's got an element of the supernatural in it which I love! There's nothing better than getting totally immersed in a book and then realising hours have gone by. 

Usually I only notice how long I've been reading for when this fluffy monster pictured (Tiger Lily) shows up and starts miaowing at me. If you follow me on Insta, then you'll know she features heavily in my stories, cause she's just SO darn cute! It's actually been proven that cuddling an animal releases endorphins too, so all the more reason to find a little furry friend to snuggle up with!

Let's Get Muddy!
 Not actual Mud. Mud masks! I absolutely love treating my skin to a face mask but I feel like I never have the time to actually do them?! The second I know I've got a lazy day coming up, I'll be planning which products I'm gonna pamper myself with, and a mask is always top of my list! I have an unnecessary amount of face masks in my skincare collection but I still keep going back to this Dead Sea Mud mask from 7th Heaven at Montagne Jeunesse. It really draws out the impurities in my pores whilst being so calming and cooling on the skin, and taking it off isn't a chore like some face masks! Plus it's cruelty free and really affordable! I have a post on my top face masks depending on your skincare needs featuring another of my faves from 7th Heaven, and a few other brands! (Click here to read

How do you like to spend your lazy Sundays? Are you a 'do nothing' or a 'do everything' gal? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading your Dose of Lifestyle

Disclaimer: This post contains press samples. As always, all opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way by brands/companies. If you are a company interested in sending me something for a review, you can contact me at



  1. Love this! I'm all for a lazy Sunday. I have to have a good old soak in the bath and a pamper!xx

    Lucy |

  2. I love a good lazy day but I am definitely good at laying in past 10! Netflix, a face mask and a cheat tea are my got to's, I love spending sundays relaxing!

    Sarah | xx

  3. I have that nightshirt but in Slytherin colours obvs! Like you, I don't know what a lazy Sunday is sometimes! I'm either at work or I spend the day doing housework or blog stuff! Since moving to uni, I've become a fan of the lie-in. When I was working until 11pm over Christmas, I was lucky if I was awake by 9am the next morning! Great post Izzy!

    Sian x

  4. I need to try that face mask, it sounds amazing and I much prefer tubes when dealing with mud masks as they’re so much less messy! xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

  5. This sounds like a really great routine, a lazy Sunday is one of my favourite things, loved this post. xx

  6. ah this is making me wish it was Sunday already! Just another 3 days until the weekend haha. I like to sleep in late (until midday lol) and then spend the day watching movies or reading a book! x


  7. This is such a lovely and cosy post Izzy! The Get More drinks are my favourite at the moment - the blackcurrant and blueberry flavour is so yummy! xx

  8. Lazy Sundays are my fav, although sometimes its longer than just the Sunday lol
    A good movie, popcorn and a facemask is just he best thing ever!! xox


  9. I love lazy Sundays with a face mask and Netflix too :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  10. Ahh, nothing beats a perfect lazy Sunday - lounging around in cozy pajamas all day, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa, and catching up on all your favorite shows. It's the ideal way to relax and recharge!

  11. Yeah absolutely now Sunday is just a day even a busy day more than other normal days chilling on Sunday is just a wish now but still have manage time for some skin care activities like using mud or other things even last time have ordered by my nephew to write my finance dissertation on sunday and they itself go for the picnic and give me work crazy.

  12. The Perfect Lazy Sunday sounds like a dream! It’s great to unwind and enjoy some downtime. As a student, I often wish I could relax like that, but I find myself needing engineering assignment help uk to stay on top of my workload. Finding that balance is key!


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