Saturday 31 December 2016

What I Got For Christmas 2016!

Hey lovelies,

Can you believe Christmas is over already? Cause I sure can't. To be honest, I'm pretty sure I've been in an eternal food coma ever since I consumed three times my bodyweight in prosecco and the infamous Christmas roast...

Regardless I hope you all had a wonderful day with your friends or family, whatever it is you got up to. I wasn't actually planning on doing a 'What I got For Christmas' post, but I've been bed-bound with flu this past week and having binge watched a few a lot of YouTube videos, I decided, screw it, there must be some other nosy buggars out there as well as little, sickly old me. Seriously considering setting myself a P.O box up for the masses of Get Well soon cards/letters/care-packages I expect to receive. Think Harry Potter and his Hogwarts acceptance letters. I jest.


Sunday 18 December 2016

Colourpop Haul with MyMallbox*

Hey loves!

As you may or may not know, I have a serious obsession with Colourpop make-up. I first ordered from them back in March ahead of a family trip to New York and had it delivered to our hotel, as at the time they didn't deliver to the UK. They do now provide UK shipping with a very hefty price tag plus there's the issue of being caught out by customs and paying a zillion pounds in order to receive your order from the post office. (And let's be real, I have NOT got time for that). I use a shipping company called MyMallbox for my Colourpop orders and I've only ever had a great experience with them. (There's also a discount code at the bottom) But more on that later...

Love a good cheese pun

Friday 9 December 2016

Hydrated hair with Salon Science*

Hey my loves!

Sorry I've been away for a few weeks, working in retail during Black Friday sales is beyond torturous. Also slight life update: I've been on Roaccutane for 2 months now and my skin is DRYER THAN THE SAHARA! If you don't know, Roaccutane/Accutane is a dermatologist-prescribed drug that can cure acne. It's got an amazing success rate but comes with a list down to your elbow and back up again, of side effects. So far mine have been fairly manageable, the most obvious one being dry lips, skin and hair; SO I'm focusing on giving my hair as much moisture and nourishment as possible. (Roaccutane can make it prone to thinning, breakages, and dry scalps... not so pleasant)

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