Monday 28 September 2015

The Post-Uni Blues

Congratulations, you graduated from university!!

Now throw those hat-thingies, or mortarboards if we're being technical, into the air and give yourself a massive pat on the back! (Not at the same time though silly)

Now comes the surge of question upon questions from your grandparents, parent's colleagues, hairdressers and your friend's dog. (Ok, maybe not that last one but you get my point)

So what are YOU doing next?
Have you got a JOB yet?
What's your PLAN?
Did you hear back from THAT interview?

Cue sobbing into a bowl of ice cream/ family sized bag of crisps/ box of doughnuts: you choose, I definitely won't judge.

Elle Woods had it right
Elle Woods had it right

But seriously, what IS next? After the initial celebration feeling wore off, I will admit, even I, an extremely positive person, fell into a rut of TV-EAT-MOPE-WATCH YOUTUBE-EAT-SLEEP.
I mean, it's pretty daunting; you've spent your entire life with authority figures telling you everything, from what books you should read to when your assignments are due. After 16 whole years of education, its okay to feel a little lost and bewildered.

No teen or young adult wants to admit that their parents were right, but boy, was my dad right when he said, "Education is the best part of your life. Work hard and enjoy it as much as you possibly can."

I did work really hard. Ok so my attendance wasn't brilliant at times, and sometimes I did start my work a tad too close to the deadline - it wasn't just me I swear - but I put a hell of a lot of effort in and graduated with a 2.1 in Broadcast Journalism. YAY ME!

My Journo Girlies

 But I also enjoyed my uni experience SO much and took every opportunity to meet new people. I spent most Wednesday evening's in wonderfully weird fancy dress outfits with the Pole Dancing society, (the most incredible group of girls you'll ever meet FYI); I was also a Fresher Rep, worked behind the bar at a great club called 'The Bowery', and chose the best group of girls to live with for final year.
All of my favourite weirdos!

All I'm trying to say after this ESSAY is:

1. If you've just started university, wherever that may be; you are honestly going to have an amazing time. You have three years to learn how to balance fun and work, so take every opportunity to do that and good luck! (You're gonna need it heading to those 9am lectures after a heavy night out, luck and caffeine!)

2. If you've just graduated and still have the blues...maybe you need to watch 'The Notebook'. (Joking, but a little Ryan Gosling does make everything better). In all seriousness, just take a few deep breaths, write down a list of all your passions and goals, buy that power blazer/suit you've been eyeing up and strut your stuff to that interview room and start your next chapter.

Go make Ryan proud

Thanks for reading your Dose of Life


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